Tyres are a crucial part of your car. However, many drivers don’t take notice of this, which can result in serious consequences. Not only can it affect your vehicle’s performance and result in expensive repairs, but it also is putting yourself and others in danger.
To prevent this from occurring, we’ve put together a few simple steps you should follow to ensure your tyres remain in tip-top condition.
1. Check your tyre pressure regularly

Your tyre pressure has a huge impact on your car’s performance such as braking, steering, handling and mileage. If your tyres are under-inflated or over-inflated, they can significantly increase your car’s fuel consumption, leaving them exposed to wear and tear. In some cases, having the incorrect tyre pressure could end up in a blowout, which could result in a serious accident.
It’s vital that you check your tyre pressure at least every four weeks, and if you have a spare tyre you should also check its pressure as the spare is frequently forgotten about. Also before longer journeys, you should be checking their pressure particularly when your car is full of heavy suitcases.
You can check your tyres pressure at a petrol station or by using your own pressure gauge. It’s important to note that this should only be done when your tyres are cold two hours after a journey as this will provide you with an accurate reading. Your car’s manual will give you recommendations for the recommended tyre pressure for your car if you are unsure.
2. Check for damage and unusual wear and tear
As well as checking your tyre pressure, you should also undertake a physical check of your tyres to look out for any signs of damages or wear to the tyre. This includes any cuts or bulges that could have damaged the tyre. If you notice any of these issues, you should get them inspected by our tyre specialists and they will repair your tyres if it’s required. In the worst-case scenario, the tyre will have to be replaced entirely with a new one.
If your tyre is punctured whilst driving, and you replace it with the spare they are designed only for short term use and it should be swapped as soon as possible with a suitable tyre.
3. Make sure there is enough tread
Tyre treads can not only have a huge impact on your car’s performance but also its overall safety, especially in wet or icy driving conditions. The legal minimum tread depth for your tyre is 1.6mm, so it’s vital that you ensure that you check your tyres so they don’t go below this limit. If your tread depth is at or below the minimum depth, your tyres will need to be replaced straight away.
Remember, having the correct tread depth is not only saving you from receiving points on your licence it’s also ensuring your car has maximum control and safety of your car.
4. Don’t overload your car

An overloaded car can be more dangerous than you may realise. A car that’s carrying a lot of weight can affect the handling and also cause excessive wear on the tyres due to the heat that’s produced. This could result in a tyre blowout and put your life and others in danger.
Nowadays, the majority of tyres now include a label that includes the tyre load index marked on it.
5. Keep your wheels aligned
If your wheels are misaligned it can create serious issues with your tyres. Incorrectly aligned tyres can result in uneven wear, which can weaken them and make them more prone to damage. It could also worsen the control of your car and increase its fuel consumption.
When you are having your car looked over or having new tyres put on at a garage, make sure your wheel alignment is checked and adjusted if it needs to be.
6. Be Careful when mounting a kerb
When you’re parking on a street or you’re mounting the kerb to avoid something in the road, this can often be unavoidable. However, you must be wary when you’re doing this – particularly if you’re wanting to ensure your tyres are in the best condition. Mounting the kerb could cause your tyres’ sidewall to pinch against the kerb and your wheel, this can weaken them and even result in a tyre blow-out.
You should try to avoid mounting the kerb as much as possible, however, if you need to, you must make sure you’re cautious when attempting it. You should climb the kerb slowly and at an acute angle to avoid scraping your tyres with the side of the pavement.
7. Maintain good driving habits
As well as your usual car maintenance, it’s also vital that you have good driving habits to maintain your tyres so they are in their best condition. Any hard braking or excessive acceleration, can significantly affect the health of your tyres and cause them to wear at a faster rate.
Have any further questions about your tyre maintenance? Get in touch with our tyre specialists here at DA Techs today.